posted by Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat at 12:35 PM
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
מאוצר אור החלופים: פרשת מקץ
I have just uploaded the first section of a two-part book that will, upon completion, demonstrate the presence of the names of the נקדות and the טעמים in המקרא.
The first chapter, entitled מאוצר אור החלופים: פרשת מקץ, demonstrates the presence of the names of all of the נקדות in פרשת מקץ, thus proving that the מסורה טברינית was not an invention of the בעלי מסורה, but rather a discovery of that which is to be found in המקרא.
This and more: Not only are the names of the נקדות found in פרשת מקץ we see that the גימטריאות of the names of the vowels instruct us as to how to use the vowels, where to place them in relation to the letters they punctuation and even show the Biblical basis for the other systems of vocalizations that were developed but which were not widely adopted, namely the Palestinian and Babylonian systems of vocalization.
We will see that the גימטריאות of the names of the vowels teach us about the graphic form of the vowels, that is to say, we will learn why the vowels are constructed of points and lines and how to place them in relation to one another to form the vowel, as well as where to place them in relation to the letter that the vowel punctuates.
Finally, we will see that the גימטריאות of the names of the vowels are the bases of arithmetic, mathematics, astronomy, biology and more. In fact, all of these disciplines, and more, are various aspects of one and the same endeavor - תלמוד תורה באור החלופים.
The second part of the book will be a far more prodigious undertaking, בע"ה. In the second part of the book we will discover and discuss the names of the טעמים in פרשת ואתחנן. As there are many more טעמים than נקדות the second part of the book will be longer, more extensive in scope and more complex than the first part of the work.
However, before undertaking the second part of the book, this author feels morally compelled to take on an assignment that is morally imperative and immediate - the refutation of the tenets of Christianity in light of the חלופים. It will be seen that all of the central concepts of Christianity are erroneous and the correct understanding will be demonstrated.
מאוצר אור החלופים: פרשת מקץ can be accessed from the following URL: